Most of you who know me – know that a dirty martini is my favorite mixed drink. It reminds me of a by gone era when women rarely left the house without hats and gloves and men wore suits with suspenders and always had handkerchiefs in their pockets.
Occasionally I like to spice things up a bit and try new ingredients in my martini. I don’t deviate much from the simple olive brine & vodka/gin. . . but I love finding spices and sauces that add that extra kick in the pants we all need once in a while.
This recipe is infused with flavor and is a perfect cocktail for those who aren’t afraid of a little heat.
What you will need:
East Coast Wings & Grill EXTRA HOT Wing Sauce (visit one of their locations or contact them to find out how you can get your own!) Full disclosure that my company Experience Farm DID design their website – but this is not a solicited post nor was I compensated in any way except for the free bottle of hot sauce!
Chilled Vodka or Gin (I prefer vodka)
Stirrings All Natural Dirty Martini Spanish Olive Brine
Olives (I used Manzanilla whole olives for this recipe – but I often use Spanish Queen olives stuffed with Gorgonzola Cheese)
Jane’s Krazy Mixed-Up Seasoning (Original Mixed-Up Salt)
Martini Glass
Directions :
In cocktail shaker – add ice, Two 1.5 oz jiggers of chilled vodka or gin, East Coast Wings Hot sauce to taste (usually 3 bottle shakes for me) and 1 oz of olive brine. Shake until it is painfully cold to hold
In chilled martini glass rim glass with a shake of East Coast Wings Hot Sauce and add 3 olives
Pour over chilled contents of shaker and add a dash or two of Jane’s Krazy Mixed Up Seasoning
Serve and enjoy!
Serves : 1
You can increase this recipe to make for more that one martini but it is always suggested that you make this to order.
What drink recipes have you been inspired to make thanks to some of your favorite ingredients?
This posted originally written for

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